Monthly Archives: January 2016

Wednesday January 19th in the ABC

This morning most of us enjoyed gymnastics with Mrs. Susan, the rest of us will go tomorrow. For our project we used mini marshmallows to make an upper and lower case Mm. The children also used wooden blocks io form the letter M along with other letters that they know. […]

Wednesday January 20th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we discussed Igloos! What are they made out of? We viewed pictures of several igloos. We read a story called, “Winter Wonderland” with Miss Caitlyn and explored with bubbles. She blew them to the kids and also had them take turns blowing them to each other. […]

Tuesday January 19th in the ABC’s

This morning we talked about Martin Luther King Jr. We discussed his importance and how he had a dream that all people should we treated equally. We discussed the importances of treating all of our friends with kindness and respect. We read “Sneetches” by Dr. Seuss, a book about treating […]

Friday January 15th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we celebrated Riley’s birthday! She brought us a special snowman trail mix snack! Together as a large group we played a movement game similar to Simon says. In small groups, Miss Sara provided us foam snowflakes, the children worked to pop out the center pieces (fine […]

Friday January 15th in the ABC’s

Happy Friday! Today we enjoyed talking about winter appeal, particularly focusing on hats, we talked about our favorite winter hats to wear. We learned a song about January and read a poem called “Warming up”. We enjoyed reading “One Winters Day”. For our project we made hats. We used half […]

Tuesday January 12th in the ABC’s

Today we continued talking about the winter time. We discussed the different types of clothing we wear in the winter compared to the clothes we wear in the summer. We read “Winter Days In The Big Woods”. We also learned a poem about mittens. For our project we made mittens […]