This morning with Miss Cara we reviewed the sound for letter Ll and our list of Ll words. We completed a letter Ll sound and picture identification worksheet. We traced or wrote our names on the back. We used Lincoln logs to make the letter Ll and also practiced writing it on our own using the dry erase boards. During circle time we read “Celebrating Hanukkah” and reviewed the symbols of Hanukkah. We also learned two songs called “Twinkle, twinkle, Hanukkah Lights” and “I’ve been lighting all the candles”. With Zmiss Lauren the children ate snake and made stars of David. Mrs
Susan made us latkes for lunch, they were so yummy!
*Due to the expected snow, Carols by Flashlight has been rescheduled to tomorrow night, 12/16 7:00-8:30!
*Scholastic Book orders are due today! I will be submitting the order tonight around 8pm of anyone has any last minuet orders!
*Holiday Shop money/forms and Gifts from Santa must be in my Monday!