Monthly Archives: April 2019

Tuesday, April 30th in Pre-K

Today, Pre-K continued working on ordinal numbers. First, they completed a worksheet, in which they had to identify the highlighted item and write down what order it was in, from 1st to 10th. On the back of the completed worksheet, the class wrote as many “-an” words as they knew. […]

Monday, April 29th in Pre-K

Pre-K started the week with expanding their “-at” word family list, while also listing some “-an” words (i.e. tan, ran, can). With Mrs. Susan, the class practiced writing all of the words they listed on dry erase boards. Parents, we encourage students to point out “-at” words and “-an” words […]

Monday, April 29th in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we introduced number 3. We practiced tracing number 3 and colored 3 flowers. We worked on identifying the letters in our first and last name and wrote them on the back of our worksheet. The children also enjoyed making patterns with the colored bears and […]

Thursday, April 25th in Pre-K

The Pre-K completed two worksheets on nominal numbers, focusing on following directions. On the back of their worksheets, the class wrote three to five words in the “-at” word family. Afterwards, the students colored mandala coloring sheets, which helped them pay close attention to color in the lines. In art […]

Thursday, April 25th in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms Cara we continued working on numbers 1 and 2. The children used gems to outline the number 2. During circle time we reviewed calendar, counted to 25 and read “Why Should I Recycle”. With Miss Jackie the children completed a number 2 trace and  color sheet […]

Wednesday April 24th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we continued our discussion about planting. We discussed what we need to make something grow! Water, Sun, dirt & air. We each took turns scooping dirt into mason jars and adding water when they were full. We used a spoon to scoop 2 spoofulls of grass […]

Wednesday, April 24th in Pre-K

Pre-K started with day off with reviewing our “-at” word family. Mrs. Susan read the class a story with some “-at” words, including “that”. When reading at home, we encourage parents to let their child fill in any “-at” words the story might have. Because it was such a beautiful […]

Tuesday, April 23rd in the ABC’s

This morning with Ms. Cara we introduced number 2 and continued talking about number 1. We used rocks to make the number 1. The children enjoyed make numbers with the construction number connectors. They also had fun using the pattern boards and dry erase boards. During circle time we discussed […]

Tuesday, April 25th in Pre-K

Today in Pre-K, the class worked on listening and following directions by completing an ordinal number worksheet. The students read the directions with Mrs. Lanigan, prompting them to color a particular scoop a particular color. At the very bottom, they wrote down the color that they made their ice cream […]

Monday, April 22nd in Pre-K

Happy Earth Day! Today, the Pre-K took advantage of the weather in the morning and went outside to play. Afterwards, Mrs. Susan read the class two Pigeon Detective books. The class also worked on their “-at” word family (i.e. Bat, Cat, Hat,…). The class wrote their “-at” words on dry […]