Kindergarten Daily Highlights for Monday October 13th

Today we met our new friend Nathan who has a sister in the 1,2,3 Class.

We had a fun activity day since we had some alumni visitors. The Kindergartners did  a number color sheet along with play sight work memory. Did you know that they are all keeping up nicely with the daily work. Outside they had a chance to run around the drive way for fun. Then they all helped the Pre-K figure out Dd words. After that they played  Doggie, Doggie Where’s Your Bone and Duck Duck Goose.  Mr. Galli is putting a drain in on the playground so we got to watch a bit of digging and drain laying while we played on the bark chips.

For lunch today we  had Grilled Chicken and rice for lunch with apples, bananas, celery, carrots and steamed broccoli.

If you did not return your HOMEWORK FOLDER please  bring it in tomorrow.
If you returned your homework folder than the new homework packets are in there to take home.



Have a great night