Pre-K Friday October 25, 2017

Happy Friday!

Mrs. Denise’s Group – We reviewed our letter sounds and weekly word list.  Then we read “Elmer and the Monster” which was a great story!  The children were held in suspense until we found out that the ferocious monster in the forest was really poor, lost,  little Blu-Blu.  He wasn’t scary at all!  Finally, we practiced writing letter E on dry erase boards and drew a nest with three eggs on the back.

Miss Abbie’s Group – We had a very special guest today!  Aahana’s Mom came in to teach us all about Diwali!  She read us a children’s book explaining the customs.  We also got to sample some special holiday foods. Some were very spicy and some were sweet!  Thank you so much for sharing some of your culture with us!

Miss Erin’s Group – Today, children made construction paper pumpkins.

In mini groups, a few children shared their name projects and then we had free play.

Some name projects are coming home today.  The popular vote is that the children want to hang them up in their rooms or at their house rather than display them here.  Projects were not sent home until they were presented to the class.