Daily Archives: April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 4th in Pre-K

Today we celebrated the letter P! With our special guest, Jackie Galli, we played games, did beading and played with Play Dough.  With Miss Jessica we did puzzles and played pong. With Miss Alex we made our P word list, ate crackers and peanut butter and did a P worksheet. […]

Tuesday April 4th in the ABC’s

This morning with Miss Cara we discussed the sun. We learned that the sun is the biggest star and all of the planets orbit the sun. We made wishing stars for our project and used dot markers, crayons, markers and glitter to decorate them. We used the erase boards to […]

Tuesday April 4th in the 123’s

Today in the 123’s we read a story called “Caterpillars”! We discussed what we learned about the caterpillar! We used our fingers to make caterpillars, we counted how many circles we had added to each caterpillar! We also worked on making caterpillars with a plastic cup stamped into paint! We […]