Happy Friday! This morning we read “Pirate Grace”. After circle time we had snack, thank you Orion for bringing in munchkins to share with us! For our project we made pirate eye patches. We traced the word “pirate” and also wrote and/or traced our names. We checked on our pennies soaking in different solutions. The ones in the water stayed the same while the ones in the salt and vinegar looked cleaner and you could see the dirt from them on the bottom of the cup. We also had lots of fun playing “sink the ship”. The class was slept up into two teams, each team was given a cardboard box to decorate, after the boxes were complete each child was given a ping pong ball to throw into the other teams box, the team who scored the most balls in the opposite teams box at the end won! This afternoon we will get to use the waterslide! Have a great evening!