Wednesday, April 24th in Pre-K

Pre-K started with day off with reviewing our “-at” word family. Mrs. Susan read the class a story with some “-at” words, including “that”. When reading at home, we encourage parents to let their child fill in any “-at” words the story might have.

Because it was such a beautiful Spring day, the class plated their very own sunflowers outside with the help of Mrs. Susan and Mr. Dan. The Pre-K will watch their plants grow as Spring turns into Summer.

Miss Lauren’s class continued their discussion on Michelangelo, April’s Artist of the month. Each group had a chance to color and draw just a piece of Michelangelo’s famous painting atop the Sistine Chapel: “The Hand of God”, which is a picture of the hands in “The Creation of Adam”. We also discussed a possible art show to be held in early June! Details will follow soon.