Wednesday, May 15th in Pre-K

The Pre-K completed a numbers worksheet in which they had to group together different kinds of bugs. Then, they wrote down how many bugs were in each group. The class also continued working on their “-and” word families with Mrs. Susan. Each student wrote two words that ended with “and” on the back of their numbers worksheet.

The class reviewed our current Artist of the Month, M.C. Escher, and what a Tessellation is. They each colored a small tessellation inspired by Escher with colored pencils, conscious of staying in the lines. The class also revisited our first Artist of the Month, Wassily Kandinsky by painting our own version of his famous Color Study painting. Each student made three circles in four parts of their paper, then they made sure to watercolor in the lines to the best of their ability. Once they are all dry, Miss Lauren will set them up on display for our MOCA Art Show on June 7th at 7pm!

Because it was such a lovely day, the Pre-K had a chance to ride bikes outside! Please, be sure to bring in a helmet and bug spray! Bike riding will continue until the end of May. Have a great rest of your day!